Wandlebury Country Park & Nature Reserve Cambridgeshire UK
The Medieval Taplow Granary at Wandlebury Country Park & Nature Reserve

A beautiful 110 acres of woodland, parkland and chalk meadows with 12 km of public paths to walk plus a nature trail (please keep to paths at all times cos of wildlife management - minimising disturbance especially to hares and wildfowl who have to rest on the ground during daylight hours). There is also a Roman road you can walk along. Set in the Gog Magog Hills close to Cambridge. Public Toilets are located in the old stable block (surmounted by a clock cupola).

Location Maps
Wandlebury is on the A1307 (Babraham Road), 2.5 miles south of the Addenbrooke's hospital roundabout in Cambridge. To see maps of various scales, put postcode CB22 3AE into the SEARCH box of this webpage: multimap - close the advert window when it comes up, then click between + and - on the "zoom" control to see a bigger area.
OR... You can also enter postcode CB22 3AE into this map page or this one
General maps of Cambridge and surrounding area, including the A1307, can be found here
Childrens' nature art - from a workshop led by Chris Goodwin

Bicycle Access
There are cycle racks at the main entrance to Wandlebury Country Park.

Cycling routes in and around Cambridge: map & general information.

Car Parking
There is a car park at main entrance (£3 charge). NO PARKING IS ALLOWED NEAR "The Wandlebury Ring" (residents only) or The Education Centre. Take great care exiting the car park onto the A1307 - do not turn immediately right or you will be going the wrong way on the dual carriageway!

Bus Routes
Stagecoach buses travelling between Cambridge & Haverhill: 13 or 13A (e.g. from Drummer St. in Cambridge) which run every 30 mins. Ask the bus driver to stop at Wandlebury. More Bus service information for Cambridgeshire can be found here

Bus to Babraham Park and Ride
You can get a "Park & Ride" bus (every 10 mins) from Cambridge to Babraham Road Park & Ride, then walk up the hill (2 miles!) to Wandlebury.
Babraham Park & Ride Location Map - Wandelbury is bottom R, hover over this area to generate small square button for enlarging/reducing the map.

This Park and Ride site has extensive planting around the perimeter, in a woodland belt. The native trees include ash, field maple, hawthorn and hazel. There is a wildflower meadow area, with an interpretation board and picnic benches. This dry chalk grassland with its rich and varied flora is particularly valuable as it is now such a scarce resource in the county.

Park & Ride Access by car: from the A1307, coming into Cambridge, take a right turn at the roundabout just after the Gog Magog golf course, onto Cherry Hinton Road. The second turn on your left, about a quarter of a mile after the roundabout, is the turning into the Babraham Park & Ride.

All buses are low floor, easy access buses which are suitable for wheelchair and pushchair use. (Please check for current availability with Traveline on 0870 608 2 608). Buses run every 10 minutes into the City Centre. The approximate journey time from Babraham Road to the City Centre is 18 minutes, although this can vary during peak periods. General Park & Ride info.

Road or Rail Travel from outside Cambridge
Click here and enter in the "Driving Directions" section your Departure location postcode
and the Destination (Wandlebury) postcode of CB22 3AE
Journey planner (bus, coach or train): www.traveline.org
Coach Services: National Express
Trains: www.thetrainline.com   www.nationalrail.co.uk

The Path to the Education Centre, Wandlebury Country Park, Cambridgeshire
The Education Centre lies straight forward from the car park. When the track splits, keep right and pass along an avenue of trees, passing the pond on the left. Then turn left and pass over the bridge spanning the ancient defensive ditch. The Education Centre is the next path on the right (see photo). The Centre is a renovated 18th century stable block - once home to Godolphin, one of the 4 original Arabian horses imported into the UK from which modern Arabians were bred.

*Wandlebury Country Park is owned & managed by "Cambridge Past, Present & Future" [CPPF]
[formerly The Cambridge Preservation Society]
*Nature Art from Natural Woodland Materials

*Cambridge Healing & Holistic Lifestyle Group: On Facebook   On Meetup Network
  Path of Nature Healing  
www.lovehealth.org/admin/wandlebury.htm Sunflower Health © Cambridgeshire