About The Dances of Universal Peace
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Cambridgeshire DUP Monthly Meetings
We meet on a Sunday evening each Month: 7-9.15pm
----oOo---- NEXT MEETING: Dec. 11th 2022 ----oOo----
Theme: Winter Solstice Attunement
Body, Heart & Soul Nourishment!
At the William Collyn Centre Girton, Cambridge CB3 0GP
FREE on-site parking
To Book Your Place + More Details go to Our Meetup Group or Message Mike
Cost: £15
Led by Mike & Donna
Our self-integration/self-transformation evening will include...
Spiritual Circle Dance + Drummed Shamanic Journey + Sound Therapy [gong bath, singing bowls + indigenous instruments].
Since the beginning of time, communities have come together in a circle
to dance, sing, share eternal wisdom, join hearts and
express the irrepressible divine nature of the human spirit...
Beginners welcome! - Full instruction given - No partner required!
About Dances of Universal Peace [DUP] Cambs Holistic Meetup Group
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Visit us on Facebook: Cambridge Healing & Holistic Lifestyle Group
Video Overview of the "Dances of Universal Peace" We dance simple steps and movements (including sacred hand gestures called "mudras") which symbolise sacred wisdom and divine-connection themes. The movements promote health and wellbeing because they energise and balance the body energy centres (chakras) and engage heart, mind, body, soul and emotions in a holistic synergy. As we dance we repeatedly chant brief sacred, or other wise, healing or inspirational, "Mantras". These mantric phrases come from a range of languages and sacred traditions or moving, inspiring poems. Apart from the wisdom, love and uplifting spirit contained in these phrases, the vibrations of their sounds have the capacity to resonate in particular areas of our energy system - potentially clearing energy blocks and bring energy to "deadened" areas of our energy system, physical and emotional body. The overall effect of the dances and chants is to promote relaxation, clear negativity, relieve depression or anxiety, and uplift mood. |
The Dances of Universal Peace - UK Network: UK DUP
The DUP dances, chants & wisdom have been developed from a range of spiritual traditions:
Buddhist, Christian (Taize & Aramaic), Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan (Celtic, Native American, African, Hispanic), Sufi etc
VIDEOS of The Dances of Universal Peace DUP
Sacred Dance - Expressing the Human Spirit! - Divine Self-Expression
Quotes & Stories of Samuel Lewis - founder of the Dances of Universal Peace
Download a brochure about this system of Sacred Dance & Song: DUP Brochure (.PDF)
- Check out our 5 Elements Circle Dances -
EARTH WATER FIRE! AIR ETHER- Wheel of the Year Seasonal Dance Videos -
Samhain/Halloween November Winter Solstice - Yule Imbolc Valentine Day Spring Renewal Spring Equinox Beltane Pentecost Summer Solstice (Litha) Lughnasadh Autumn Eqinonox (Mabon)
Sacred Healing Dances Spring Renewal + Feast of St. Valentine