Easter - Ostara
The Goddess Ostara (Eostre) has been venerated for centuries as a symbol of our own capacity to SPRING BACK from a wintry place of deadness, low light and warmth - in an entirely nature-al dynamic of RE-BALANCING - to a place of joyful rebirth into new vitality!
Our Cambridgeshire DUP Group Easter/Ostara Celebrations of Inspirational Songs & Circle Dances
In the Paths of Our Ancestors! Aligning with the Turning of The Wheel of the Year The New Moon of Diana, The Dark Moon Hekate, The Full Moon of Selene |
'Round and Round We Dance' - Joyful Weaving Dance
Round and Round We Dance, We hold each other's Hands and...
Weave our Lives in a Circle.
Our Love is Strong... The Dance goes On!
Beautifully symbolises our meetings with others as we journey along life's path!
[Melody: traditional (via Gerhard Lipold). Movements: Ralph Nimmann]
Appreciating the Beauty of a Spring Morning "Morning Has Broken" Gaelic Melody adapted by Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam/Steven Demetre Georgiou English Words created by Eleanor Farjeon |
More information |
SOLSTICE: June 19th 2021 Drumming + Tribal Circle Dance Saturday 10am-4pm Celtic & Native American Sacred Circle Dances Beginners Welcome - Drums on Free Loan! In Rural Cambridgeshire A14, 8 miles from Cambridge, 65 from London (M11/A14) |
For the Beauty of the Earth! For the Glory of the Skies! Based on the traditional hymn Words: Folliot S. Pierpoint, Music: Conrad Kocher, Movements: Hayat Rubardt |
Out Beyond Ideas of Right and Wrong Right and Wrong judgements have their place but... excessive judgmentalism limits our capacity for connection & co-creativity. Out Beyond Ideas of Right and Wrong There is a field. I'll meet you there! And we shall let the beauty we love... Be what we dare! [Guitar Arrangement: Brian Dina] We will be sharing a beautiful song + partner line dance based on this poem by the 13th-century Persian mystic: Rumi |
Radhe Bol Joyful Dance/Chant Celebrating the Interplay of Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine The soul has a natural yearning for spiritual awakening... This mantra is a tribute to the legendary Hindu avatars of Radha and Krishna. Radha is a milkmaid who represents the embodiment of perfect human devotion to the Divine. Govinda is a name for Krishna which means "the one who tended the cows". Bolo is "sing the praises of." The love between Radha and Krishna is the ideal of Love, absolute surrender of individuality in the case of Radha and absolute divine grace in the case of Krishna. Radha's yearning for union with her beloved Krishna can be seen as the soul's longing for spiritual awakening, to be re-united with the Source from which it has become separated. The divine interplay between Krishna and Rada symbolises "Spirit and Nature dancing together". [Dance originator: Philip "Tansen" O'Donohoe] |
"MOTHER EARTH IS A GREAT BIG SHIP!" Mother Earth is a Great Big Ship that we are sailing on |
Compassion Cultivation - Kwan Seong Bo Sai Meditative Dance Kwan Zeon Bosai - She who hears the distressed cries of all beings and accords them mercy! More about the Bodhisattva of Compassion: Kwan Yin = 'Tara' in Tibetan Buddhism The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin |
Honouring Our Ancestors & Spirit Guides - Blessing Everything & Everyone The guitar playing starts a bit discordantly, but bear with it - it does improve! "Ancestors, Sky people, All Here Today!" From "The Dances of Universal Peace" Huna Shamanism Tribute & Blessing Dance Ritual More Shamanic Circle Dancing Recordings - - Huna Shamanism Earth Blessing Chant/Dance |
Last Line of the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic
A Sung Movement Meditation on 'Cosmic Renewal'
Video of full prayer in Aramaic
May this song [prayer] renew itself from Age to Age and from Gathering to Gathering - May this be the Earth from which our New Growth will Spring!
More Holistic Experiences & Sacred Circle Dancing: Courses & Workshops-----oOo-----
- 5 Elements Circle Dances-
EARTH WATER FIRE! AIR ETHER- Wheel of the Year Seasonal Dance Videos -
Samhain/Halloween November Winter Solstice - Yule Imbolc Valentine Day Spring Renewal Spring Equinox Beltane Pentecost Summer Solstice (Litha) Lughnasadh Autumn Eqinonox (Mabon)
Sacred Healing Dances Spring Renewal + Feast of St. Valentine
Dance as Spirituality Grounded in the Body Sacred Dance - Dancing Spirit - A Poem
Dances of Universal Peace in Cambridgeshire UK: Meetings & Events
Dances of Universal Peace - Sacred Circle Dancing: Introduction
More Videos of Sacred Circle dances