Solar Renewal + St. Valentine: Sacred Circle Dances & Songs

via symbolic movements, ancient mantras + sound healing

Saint Valentinus personified integration of chakras 3 & 4 in a life of courageous activism combined with the healing powers of compassion and unconditional love. Without integrated functionality, the manipura [3rd] chakra drives harsh & insensitive behaviour while the anahata [4th] chakra wallows in pity-fuelled or infatuation-fuelled, mawkish sentimentality that serves no-one!

The 3rd [solar plexus] chakra is the highest of the Lower-Self [practical groundedness] chakras while 4th [heart] chakra is the lowest of the Higher-Self [divine qualities] chakras, so effective inter-communication and co-creativity of them is an essential step on the path of enlightenment [aka self-realisation, oneness or gnosis].

Saint Valentine's Day began as a celebration of the Christian Saint Valentinus who was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. During his imprisonment he healed the blind daughter of his jailer. Allegedly, before his execution, he wrote her a farewell letter signed "Your Valentine" [More].

*ADAPTED QIGONG EXERCISES: The Bow & The Dragon Breath.

Radhe Bol
Joyful Dance/Chant Celebrating
The Divine Interplay of Masculine & Feminine Energies

The 'earth-soul' has a natural yearning for spiritual awakening...
to be re-united with the 'sky-soul' from which it has become separated

This mantra is a tribute to the legendary Hindu avatars of Radha and Krishna. Radha is a milkmaid who represents the embodiment of perfect human devotion to the Divine. Govinda is a name for Krishna which means "the one who tended the cows". Bolo is "sing the praises of." The love between Radha and Krishna is the ideal of Love, absolute surrender of individuality in the case of Radha and absolute divine grace in the case of Krishna. Radha's yearning for union with her beloved Krishna can be seen as the soul's longing for spiritual awakening, to be re-united with the Source from which it has become separated. The divine interplay between Krishna and Rada symbolises "Spirit and Nature dancing together".  [Dance originator: Philip "Tansen" O'Donohoe]

*Sacred Circle Dance Events in Cambridgeshire

The Co-creative Wholeness of Heaven & Earth [Higher Self & Lower Self]
B'reshith Dance in Hebrew - Verse 1 of Genesis

Reminds us of the spacious potential that was there in 'the beginning' - still residing as a deep memory in the cells of our being. In the partner part of the Dance, we help each other clear space and let go of whatever baggage is not truly part of our path & purpose in this lifetime.

Medieval translation: "In the beginning 'God' created heaven and earth".
'Elohim' is plural and only one of the names and personalities for "God" in the Old Testament.
Dr. Douglas-Klotz translation []:
"In the beginning the One that is Many created heaven and earth"
Were YOU there at the beginning of time?


*Celebrating The Feast of St. Valentine: "Only Love is Flowing Here!" [Sufi Zikr]
Massaging the Anahata Chakra with "Rowing the Boat of the Heart" off-set ebb/flow movements
which make the dance circle into a beating heart which rotates as a wheel [chakra = wheel] of energy.

*"WISHITA" Native American River Song
A song + circle dance of rushing turbulent currents & quiet swirling eddies
Interplay of 2nd Chakra (sacral chakra) & 4th Chakra (heart chakra) in relationships

Live in the flow of life - Native American River Wisdom Circle Dance wishita river song calling on 2 different moods of water - gentle flowing eddies & swift moving, swirling white rapids - moods of water reflect gentle and peaceful times in life + times of great change & turbulence - both necessary for us to learn the lessons Great Spirit offers!

Hear 'Wishi Ta' Audio Sample on: Gift of Song by Brooke Medicine Eagle
More on this chant   More drum circle chants

"Those Who Love and Loving Pour Forth Radiance"

Connect to Your 'Inner Light' as Outer Daylight Recedes!

Those who Love, and Loving Pour Forth Radiance
These are the Sons and Daughters of God
In My Lifetime - Love in Every Heart!
In My Lifetime - Peace, Peace on Earth!
"Open Up in Sweet Surrender to the Numinous Love-Light of The One!"

Connect to Your Divine Inner Light!

We do Symbolic Movements + this Uplifting Prayer Chant based on the 11th Century:
4th Mystery of the Union of Saint Symeon
(Christ Consciousness is Accessible to All of Us!)

Originator: Sophia, Circle Dance by Ralph Nimmann


Mother Earth is a Great Big Ship that we are sailing on
Sailing on through Space and Time
Touch the Earth, Feel your Worth, Awaken to each New Rebirth
Open up your Heart and touch the Divine
(Blessed Be!)

Words: Avril Yospa-Harwood, Music: Rainbow Camps, Dance: Shamsia Sandra Sunfire

Learn to Drum up wellbeing - Native American Style Drumming & Dancing Workshops Cambridge, Cambridgeshire U.K.
More information

Feb.25th - March 24th 2020

Drumming + Tribal Circle Dance

5 Tuesdays 7-9pm

Celtic & Native American Sacred Circle Dances

Beginners Welcome - Drums on Free Loan!
In Rural Cambridgeshire
A14, 8 miles from Cambridge, 65 from London (M11/A14)


- 5 Elements Circle Dances-

- Wheel of the Year Seasonal Dance Videos -
Samhain/Halloween   November   Winter Solstice - Yule   Imbolc   Valentine Day   Spring Renewal   Spring Equinox   Beltane   Pentecost   Summer Solstice (Litha)   Lughnasadh   Autumn Eqinonox (Mabon)

Sacred Healing Dances   Spring Renewal + Feast of St. Valentine

*Dances of Universal Peace in Cambridgeshire UK: Meetings & Events

*Dances of Universal Peace - Sacred Circle Dancing: Introduction

*More Holistic Experiences & Sacred Circle Dancing: Courses & Workshops

*Dance as Spirituality Grounded in the Body Sacred Dance - Dancing Spirit - A Poem

*More Videos of Sacred Circle dances



  The Path of Healing  
'Spring Renewal' Rituals, Sacred Circle Dances, Songs & Chants
The Dances of Universal Peace, Bar Hill, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, East Anglia UK 2020